Cancel your order
Once you have placed your order, you can contact our team to cancel within 24 hours of placing your order. Anytime beyond that, we cannot be responsible for any cancellations.
Return & Refund
We don’t accept any form of returns once flowers are delivered.
We will issue a full or partial refund if you are not satisfied with the service. If the flowers do not meet our own high standards, we will give you the choice of a free replacement at our next available delivery date, or a refund. Please note that you will need to email us a photo of the poor quality or damaged flowers within 24 hours of receipt in order to be eligible for a refund or replacement. If you have ordered accessories from us and you are not happy about the condition in which they have been delivered to you, please contact our team so that we can help you.
Substitute flowers
Due to the nature of our fresh flowers, there may be occasions where we have to substitute them. If this happens, we will always endeavor to choose the next closest color or variety. If we feel that the color is very different or we need to choose a different product entirely, we will always alert you in advance of your delivery. Please also note that appropriate substitutions may be made when flowers are reaching the end of their season.
Flower packaging
Your flowers will be wrapped in our bespoke brown paper, OneFlower branded ribbon and delivered directly to your door along with your personalized gift message (choose at checkout). All flowers will arrive with a hydrated water pad around the stems to keep them as fresh as possible in transit.
We are currently delivering flowers to California only. Since flowers are particularly delicate and in order to ensure they stay as fresh as possible in transit, we have limited the distances they can travel.
Payment methods
We accept all major credit and debit cards including Visa, Mastercard and American Express. You can also pay for your order via PayPal, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay.
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